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Using the Queensland Braille Learning Progression to support the development of braille literacy skills in touch readers

This interactive workshop will provide information about the structure and language of the Queensland Braille Learning Progression and how it may be applied in a range of contexts.
A girl reading braille paper

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Key Details

Course Code
Start Date
18 October 2023
9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Course Information

Published in 2021, the Queensland Braille Learning Progression details the general stages of braille-related skill development unique to those who access literacy through touch. Intended to support the learning and teaching of braille literacy skills for babies through to young people working from emergent to early independent stages of reading, this progression is appropriate for use by a range of professionals involved in the education of children who are blind or have low vision. An assessment tool is also available to assist in tracking progress over time.

In this interactive workshop, participants will be supported to understand the structure and language of the progression and how it may be applied in a range of contexts.

Through discussion and practical activities, participants will build confidence and strategies for using the progression in their unique professional environment while consolidating or expanding their knowledge of key components needed to develop proficient tactile readers. Application of the progression to children from birth through to teenage learners with complex needs will be covered.

You can learn more about the great work being done by Christine Casey and the Education Queensland team through the podcast we recorded recently: NextSense Institute Podcast Episode 102

This event will be held at the Australian Hearing Hub, 16 University Avenue, Macquarie University. Accommodation and transport details are located here.



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