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Dr Sue Silveira

Sue Silveira—NextSense Institute

Sue is a qualified paediatric orthoptist who has held clinical and academic roles.

Sue has taught widely in the areas of paediatric eye disease, vision loss, vision surveillance and vision screening. Sue holds undergraduate qualifications in Orthoptics, a Masters in Health Sciences (Education) from the University of Sydney, and a PhD from the University of Newcastle. Sue's doctoral studies were in childhood vision impairment, highlighting the need to recognise the functional impact on children and their families.

She is currently the chief investigator on the project known as the Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register. Sue also holds the position of Program Director for the Master of Disability Studies, Macquarie University, and is in a conjoint academic position with Macquarie University as a senior lecturer.


Phone number
(02) 9872 0248


  • Prevention of vision loss and blindness in Australian children
  • Investigation into the functional impact of childhood vision loss
  • Online teaching and learning