Alison Hawkins-Bond
BEd Hons, DipEd (Hearing loss)Alison Hawkins-Bond is a Teacher of the Deaf (ToDs) who specialises in working with teachers and allied health professionals who support children who are deaf or hard of hearing or are blind, have low vision and their families.
Dr Frances Gentle
BA, DipEd, BEd (Special Education), MSpecEd (Sensory Disability) Hons, PhDFrances Gentle is a lecturer at NextSense Institute.
Professor Greg Leigh AO
DipTeach, BEd, MSc, PhD, FACEProfessor Leigh has built an impressive career specialising in education for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Professor Philip Newall
BA (Hons), MSc (Surrey), MSc (Salford)Conjoint Professor Philip Newall began his work in audiology in the National Health Service in the UK in 1971.
Dr Robyn Cantle Moore
BMusEd, CertTeach (Secondary), DSCM (Performance), MSpecEd (Sensory Disability), MEdStud, PhDRobyn Cantle Moore has more than 30 years’ experience as an educator in the fields of hearing loss and sensory disability.
Dr Sue Silveira
DipAppSc (Orth), MHScEd, PhDSue is a qualified paediatric orthoptist who has held clinical and academic roles.