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Improving the outcomes of students who are blind or have low vision in mainstream settings online course

Mainstream teachers will benefit from this online course by gaining a deeper understanding of the characteristics and learning needs of students who are blind or have low vision.
Massimo reading tactile braille book with a teacher

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Course Information

This event has been transformed into an online course! Mainstream teachers will benefit from this series by gaining a deeper understanding of the characteristics and learning needs of students who are blind or have low vision. They will also gain a heightened awareness of the important role teachers can play in improving the educational outcomes of students who are blind or have low vision. Suggested practical classroom measures will be augmented by exploration of wider perspectives that include the issues of literacy development, the use of technology and the opportunities for the students’ social inclusion both in and out of class.

The 8 recorded sessions provide opportunities for learning and discussion. The sessions include pre-recorded content, additional readings and videos to extend learning between sessions. We anticipate this course becoming your 'go to' advice portal as you support students who are blind or have low vision in your classroom in 2022.

The program is offered as follows:

Session 1: Introduction to Vision and Vision Impairment

This presentation provided an overview of the anatomy of the eye and discuss a range of eye conditions. Advice about reading eye reports was shared. Additional content about individual eye conditions is provided.

Session 2: Classroom adjustments

This presentation provided advice and strategies to support students who are blind or have low vision in the classroom. Additional content about educational inclusion for students is provided.

Session 3: Orientation and Mobility

This interactive session will provide opportunities to consider classroom set up and guide techniques with presenters from Guide Dogs NSW.

Session 4: Alternate Format Materials

This presentation will provide advice about the alternate format production techniques you can use to support your student, and the materials you can access.

Session 5: Technology and key considerations for blind students

This presentation will share strategies and classroom considerations for students who are blind. If your student has low vision you are welcome to join this session, or wait for the content in next week's presentation!

Session 6: Technology and key considerations for students who have low vision

This presentation will share strategies and classroom considerations for students who have low vision. If your student is blind you are welcome to join this session, or you can use the week to review the earlier content.

Session 7: Learning from the students

This content is a pre-recorded discussion with 4 young adults who are blind or have low vision sharing their perspective of school and advice they have for teachers. We will also share podcast links for the NextSense Institute Podcast of episodes that are relevant to this topic. This may be content you'd like to share with your students for ongoing discussion.

Session 8:Access Technology

This presentation will provide a range of pre-recorded content about the range of access technology tools that will support student engagement. You will have the opportunity to ask questions of our Access Technology expert during this session.


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