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dApDots is an educational resource that teaches children and families the Unified English Braille (UEB) code.
Image shows Braille text above the title dApDots - Books for early Braille readers on a teal background

What is dApDots?

dApDots is a collection of braille books and braille resources that assist children and families with understanding the basics of the UEB code. These resources are designed to provide an effective foundation to braille literacy for parents and kids.

dApDots is a range of print-at-home books as digital downloads. You can use these files to produce your own embossed or swell paper books.

All of our dApDots files can be downloaded and produced by a local blindness agency at little cost. NextSense can also provide 3D printable braille resources that can be printed at most local printing stores (including Officeworks).

For those who have access to 3D printing machines, we can provide 3D printable files for tactile tools.


Level 1 – 7: Contractions – UEB Braille

Levels 1A to 7A includes the entire UEB literary symbols

Level 8: I Do Like It

A program for students learning to read contracted Braille, it relies on a lot of repetition.

Tactile Graphics

Originally designed as Audio tactile Graphics for a talking tablet. This tablet no longer exists nor the verbal scripts, but the graphics are still intact. A sample of text about the Digestive System is available, to show how much or how little information is required. Scripts could be made yourself from existing knowledge, or obtained by searching the web for appropriate information.

Braille Reference Code

UEB Braille in both Braille and print.


Literary and Maths samples, plus fingering and reference sheets.


Anecdotal errors noted during research were due primarily to Braille reversals. Three references have been developed to address this issue.

· a. Common reversals booklet: Reversals Workbook.

· b. Videos on ways to memorise reversals.

· c. 3D Print Files