Do you want to start learning Australian Sign Language—Auslan? The updated Auslan Tutor 2 app is free to download and contains new and improved content.
Take me to the Auslan Tutor 2 app pageDeveloped by experts at NextSense, in consultation with the Australian Deaf community, Auslan Tutor is designed for parents with children learning Auslan, but is useful for anyone wanting to learn Auslan.
Auslan Tutor contains over 500 signs, each carefully chosen as the most needed when interacting with and teaching children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
The app is designed with an easy-to-follow hierarchy to help build upon the previous sign, so you'll soon develop the confidence to begin using Auslan in everyday life.

Auslan Tutor is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices running iOS 6+ and Android devices running 4.0+.
With this great resource ready to use, what are you waiting for? Download Auslan Tutor today!